Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions2022-01-18T11:20:45+00:00

Smart Staff prides itself as a client satisfying product and therefore listens to the matters of concern raised by our clients. We take these matter of concern seriously and therefore update it into general answers for all clients or potential clients. Our aim is to have all answers to any questions that might arise before you even start implementing the product. These Frequently Asked questions is questions asked by our current and potential clients, to make the decision easier for all.

Is it affordable?2022-09-06T13:51:28+00:00

Most payroll providers ask around R80 to R150 per person just to do payroll per month. When you look at time and attendance you can add on average another R40 to R80 per employee per month. HR Consulting companies have retainers that also shoot your staff costs through the roof.

Smart Staff offers the complete A to Z solution for a price under R99 per employee per month, depending on the number of employees.

The option to Outsource payroll can be included at a cost of R35 extra per employee per month.

Is it difficult to use?2022-09-06T13:53:06+00:00

Smart Staff has been developed to be operated by a 5 year old. The ease of use and functionality at your fingertips makes this the ideal SMART solution.

Do my employees need SMART PHONES2022-09-06T13:58:35+00:00

Yes, the SMART STAFF app works on Android and Apple devices, per the individual staff member. They will have access to all their individual offers and individual private information, which according to the South African POPI act is private and confidential and may not be shared.

Do i work with call centers and robots answering questions2022-09-06T14:01:28+00:00

No, SMART STAFF prides itself with the individual and personal professional service.

When you speak on the WhatsApp channels or on the lines, you will always speak to a direct person that will be familiar with your company.

Is this a all-in-one complete HR solution?2022-09-06T13:47:55+00:00

Yes, SMART STAFF not only focuses on the Time & Attendance and Payroll as individual parts in the business but completely integrates it and adds a lot of extra services not only for the Employer but also for the Employee

Smart Work – Smart Staff – Smart HR Solutions.

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